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WoW vanilla guild

    Farewell guys


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2011-12-07

    Farewell guys Empty Farewell guys

    Post  Dikcataclysm Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:48 pm

    I feel like i contributed to the disbanding of the guild in a big way, with all my real life stuff going on, i would sign up for raids then not be able to show up, like the last ZG raid, the 15th? it was my mother's birthday, and i had to go out and do family stuff. I really had fun in the guild guys, i met some really cool dudes, and ill still be around in game, so if you ever need a lock, just let me know. Good Gaming! man, i really do wish i could've come on the 15th too, i was ready to start raiding again.

    On a side note, anyone that is interested in played the MMORPG Rift with me, which is my main MMO, i have 2 50s and im well geared. They do a thing called "Ascend a Friend" same concept as WoW's Recruit a Friend, just no limitations. It's a 7 day free trial, and if you wanna hit 50 and run end game before it's up, you can try (hahah). the game itself it 9.95 at walmart (well in america, i don't know what you guys' super markets are named, but the game itself is 10 dollars physically to buy. i think its 29.99 online. you guys should come try it with me, its a really fun experience, and im going to link a talent tree site so you can see how the classes are set up. The controls are similar to WoW, but the game play is by far different. I have a main tank spec ON MY ROGUE and a main heals on my MAGE. you can do pretty much anything you want, and make your own class, hell i made a tank/DPS hybrid build and it worked up until i was in the 30s.

    Take it easy guys, it was fun while it lasted. pirat

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